Lunettes Clegg de retour sur le podium !

Les lunettes de soleil Clegg de retour sur le podium

Les lunettes Clegg sont de retour ! Venez les découvrir après leur retour sur le podium !

Want to take full view? On September 9, the famous Salon des Miroirs in Paris will host the second fashion show of the sunglasses brand Clegg . In this historic place where several fashion week parades are usually held, each guest will have the opportunity to discover models of sunglasses, with a trendy and ambitious design.

Created by Macdieunette Brutus , Clegg is both chic and relaxed, but not only. After a first fashion show on the Champs Elysées last October, the brand, whose mantra is “inclusiveness and diversity”, intends to continue to match the style of its customers. To do this, different models (men, women and children) will tread the catwalk showcasing styles as trendy as they are eclectic, going from rock to glamor or even street style to vintage.An audience of renowned guests such as the opera singer, Nathalie Léonoff, or even members of the American magazine CREATIV Mag, partner of the event, will make the Clegg parade a moment engraved in the rock that is fashion.

In keeping with current events, the event will be a nod to the remake of the Disney classic The Little Mermaid, the first shot of which will also be unveiled to the general public on September 9. One of the Clegg models will therefore be dressed just like Hailey Bailey, main actress of rehabilitation and little protege of Beyoncé.

If this fashion show is a starting point for Clegg glasses , the brand intends to open ephemeral boutiques in several French cities such as Paris, Lyon and Marseille. The goal? Going to meet Clegg customers , who wish to free themselves from the codes of society with quality and audacious products.

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